Monday, 19 May 2008

Back to the Future

It's 2008 and Transport is on the agenda. Public transport that is. We're not reinventing the wheel - transport is on the agenda everywhere - see the UK and it's airport terminal, railway and motorway mess, see the Europeans dealing with too many cars and too many fumes, see Beijing engulfed in smog... It's good to keep that perspective in mind, if only not to be accused of the "malti ta' barra" syndrome - criticising what is going on back home because you have supposedly found a greener grass elsewhere.

So it's down to the nitty-gritty. The facts are in our face. A brontosauran bus system, a taxi market that is still not as liberalised as it should be and the increasing dependence on private cars in an island that is barely 20 by 15 km in size. Malta is fast shooting up the charts for the number of cars per capita and yet the words "public transport" still bring to mind the same old xarabank.

I'm interested in contributing to this blog because the idea is one that obsesses me. I will put my cards on the table and state what, in my mind, constitute the main lines of a proper transport system (a sort of brainstorming exercise to introduce my point of view):

1. LESS CARS - much much less.
2. SMALLER CARS - preferably with a limit on power
3. SKELETON RAIL SYSTEM - mainframe of public transport based on one largish train linking ends of island (incuding Gozo?) and smaller trams in built up areas
5. RENT-a-CYCLE AREAS IN BUILT UP AREAS - like Veloh in Luxembourg and Paris
6. USE OF THE SEA IN CLEMENT WEATHER - more water taxis
7. MORE LEGISLATION ON PARKING - no building commercial or private allowed if it does not cater for parking
8. INCREASE IN PARK & RIDE AREAS until phasing out of cars is finalised

There that's a five minute quick taster. More elaboration with more time. I dream of the day when a person can live in Gharb and commute by Bike or Bus + Train + Tram to Valletta for work. An efficient system will probably get him there in under fourty minutes. Less cars on the road, cleaner air and all you do is sit on the train, listen to the ipod and take in what will probably be one of the most scenic clean rides in the Mediterranean. How's that for a cool tourist destination?

is that an enormous cloud of grey lead-addled smoke emanating from your exhaust pipe or are you just pleased to see me?

The silver lining of the current dispute is that the Maltese seem to be clearly more open to different modes of public transport than they were just five or ten years ago. Indeed, Transport Minister Austin Gatt's speech on, amongst other things, the re-introduction of the tram system hasn't been met with a chorus of ridicule but with intelligent (and, in some cases, slightly bemusing) comments. Most of them seem to second the Minister's view- which is just as well as it is a pretty reasonable one an' all...

It is interesting to note that a good fifty years ago commuters had a wider selection of different modes of transport at their disposal - buses, trains and trams. We've only got the buses left now - and in several cases the very same ones we had back then.

The time has come for Malta to seriously consider a light rail, light metro or rapid tram system.

In other news Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar have asked to the public to back up the government position on the matter. No need to tell them that - they're clearly right behind you. Presumably the only way commuters would back the drivers over the Government is if they'd all suddenly start suffering from an acute case of mass Stockholm Syndrome...

The public transport system in Malta is broken. Who is going to fix it?

In virtually all countries, public transport companies are either publicly-run or privately-run. In the former case drivers are employees of the city, region or country. In the latter, a private company operates a pre-established route and has to fulfil rigorous targets set by the appointing administration. If it doesn't meet these targets, the company risks hefty fines and losing the contract to another operator.

Malta's system is a complicated mixture of the two, with the notable difference being that over the years it has accrued all the disadvantages of both systems without benefiting from either of the advantages.

The Public Transport Authority is, in all but name, a private company. The main difference is that this company is always awarded the contract irrespective of whether targets have been met or not.

Although several bus drivers conduct themselves with decorum and have a strong professional conscience, the system makes it such that such behaviour isn't rewarded, as the new contract will be issued once again irrespective of how drivers have behaved, whether ridership continued to dwindle, whether new innovative measures or whether pre-set goals were achieved or not.

Why bother playing if you're always going to win?

This gives bus-drivers (and thus the Public Transport Authority) free reign to do as they please without holding them accountable for their actions or choices. The outright elimination of competition and the automatic attribution of a contract to what is essentially a private company - without this contract being tied to performance, innovation, targets or conduct - is not only a suicidal move, but is a scandalous waste of tax-payers money.

Furthermore, any innovation has been steadfastly refused (directly or indirectly) by the aforementioned association. Tickets may be bought from the ticketing machine at the Valletta bus terminus, but these won't be accepted by the bus drivers. Cards may be bought to be swiped through the on board card-reader... but the card-reading machines are not actually used.

Any other changes such as changes in routes, roster or reorganisation have traditionally been met with contention or downright hostility.

We would like to see someone put an end to this. It's all well and good pontificating about how the transport system needs to be reformed, but we've heard that for decades now. The system cannot be reformed because it is inherently wrong. There is nothing to reform, but all to rebuild.
We've had words, let's have some action now.